Wednesday, June 15, 2011

College Budget Update

The Pennsylvania House sent their state budget proposal to the Senate on May 24th. The proposal includes separate Ag Research and Ag Extension line items to be included in the Penn State appropriation bill with funding levels at 25% less than the 2010/2011 funding level.

Majority Chair of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, John Maher, authored an amendment to separate and fully restore the Ag Research and Ag Extension lines items, but the budget process resulted in most amendments being pulled before consideration.

On the Senate side, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Jake Corman, has introduced the Penn State appropriations bill (SB1122), restoring funding to 85% of last year's funding level. The agricultural research and extension lines are not included in the bill, as Senator Corman is still working on a proposal to restore the lines to 90% of last year's funding and shift the location of the lines into the state Department of Agriculture. Click here for more information.

Please continue to communicate your support and appreciation of these efforts to your legislators. It is expected the legislature will act on the budget before end of the fiscal year on June 30th.

Ag Futures Process Moving Forward

The Ag Futures process, designed to develop and implement a new business model for the college, is moving forward. Dean Bruce McPheron presented a draft proposal for a new academic unit structure in a webinar to college faculty and staff on June 10, 2011. Details of the proposal can be found on the college Ag Futures website. Stakeholders can provide comments and feedback on the proposed structure between June 13-July 5. The Penn State Ag Council college strategic planning committee will be meeting to review the proposal and provide feedback as appropriate. We encourage council members to provide feedback on this important proposal.

College Names Interim Associate Dean of Undergrad Education

The College of Agricultural Sciences has named Tracy Hoover, professor and head of the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, as the interim Associate Dean of Undergrad Education.

She will serve in that post while a national search is conducted to replace J. Marcos Fernandez, who will become Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs for the College of Agriculture at Purdue University, effective July 1.

College Names Interim Associate Director of Cooperative Extension Appointed

Dr. Mary Jo Depp-Nestlerode, Regional Director for the central region, was appointed as Interim Associate Director of Cooperative Extension effective April 1, 2011.

Taylor Doebler Appointed to Board of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania

Taylor Doebler, owner of T. A. Seeds and a current member of the Board of Directors of the Penn State Ag Council, has been appointed as a Governor's representative to the Board of Directors of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Ag Advocate Training Held on April 16

The Penn State Ag Council hosted an Ag Advocate Training and Skybox Event for the new Penn State Extension Council members on April 16th in conjunction with the Blue and White football game.

The event included a morning training program with speakers addressing the impacts of the proposed funding cuts to Penn State and the College of Ag Sciences. Senator Jake Corman, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, discussed the budget situation, noting his desire to have the college Ag Research and Ag Extension lines items separated out from the Penn State general funding line and funding levels restored.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation Hosts Dean's Tour

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation hosted a Dean's Tour on May 31-June 1, 2011. Stops included restoration and CREP partnership projects at farms and sites along the Susquehanna river.

The Pennsylvania Forest Products Association and the Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association will host another tour on August 2-3. Details for the next Dean's Tour will be sent soon!

If your organization would like to host a future tour, please contact Rhonda Demchak at

College Capitol Day Held on April 13

The Penn State Ag Council (PSAC) and the Penn State Extension Council (PSEC) co-sponsored this year's College Capitol Day on April 13 in Harrisburg.

Approximately 160 college stakeholders consisting of Ag Action Network, College of Ag Sciences Alumni, PSAC, and PSEC members attended. Advocates delivered information packets to all 253 legislative offices and personally communicated the importance of college research and extension programs in their communities, businesses, and lives.

On behalf of the councils and the college, thank you to all of the advocates who attended! Feedback from legislators has been extremely positive.

If you attended capitol day, please be sure to send a thank you note to the offices you visited. If you could not attend, it is not too late to carry the message to your legislator!

College Research Tour Planned for September 22

The twelfth annual Penn State Ag Council's Research Tour will be held on September 22, 2011. Delegates will receive an electronic invitation shortly. Please contact your legislators and encourage them to attend.

College Discovery Day Tour July 14

The College's annual Discovery Day Tour will be held at the Southeast Ag Research and Extension Center in Manheim on July 14th. Legislators and media are invited to the tour, which showcases the value of the College's land-grant Research Stations to the commonwealth. Council delegates should have received an electronic invitation to attend the event. Please contact your legislator and encourage them to attend.

2011 Ag Progress Days

Ag Progress Days will be held August 16-18. The Ag Council will once again be hanging member banners in the special events building for Tuesday's Alumni Luncheon and Wednesday's Government and Industry Day Luncheon.

The banner forms were distributed at the Spring Delegate Meeting and are due by July 15. Please fill out the form and either fax it to 814-863-6152 or click on the link above and email the form to Rhonda Demchak at

The two luncheons attract more than 1,000 people. Delegates will receive a post card and an electronic invitation to attend the luncheons in June. Please respond quickly if you plan to attend, as space is limited.

Ag Career Day to be Held on October 18

The College Ag Career Day will be held on October 18, 2011, from 9:00 am-4:00 pm at the Bryce Jordan Center on the Penn State University Park Campus. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and interview College of Agricultural Sciences' Students. To register to attend or for more information about participating, please visit the Ag Career Day Registration site.

Upcoming Events-Mark Your Calendar

July14- Discovery Day Tour, Southeast Ag Research and Extension Center
August 2- Dean's Tour Reception, Lewisburg, TBD
August 16-18- Ag Progress Days, Rock Springs
August 16 - College Alumni Society Luncheon, AG Progress Days site
August 17 - Government and Industry Day luncheon, Ag Progess Days site
August 17- PSAC Board Meeting, Rock Springs, Farm House 2nd Floor
September 22- PSAC College Research Tour, Ag Arena
October 5- PSAC Committee and Board Meetings
October 6- PSAC Fall Delegate Meeting, Ag Arena
October 6- College Scholarship Awards Banquet, Penn Stater
October 18- Ag Career Day