Monday, November 30, 2009

Time to Renew Your Membership

Penn State Ag Council 2010 Membership renewals will be sent out via CVENT email shortly. The strength of the Penn State Ag Council is in its membership. Please take the time to renew today. Please contact Rhonda with any questions at 814-867-1816.

April 8 Delegate Meeting to Include Viewing of "Food Inc."

A viewing of Food Inc., a recently released movie about "America's industrialized food system and its effect on our environment, health, economy and workers' rights," will take place at the April delegate meeting followed by a discussion on public perceptions of agriculture. American agriculture is under increased scrutiny, and the meeting will provide an opportunity for dialogue on perceptions, realities, gaps, and opportunities around ag issues and ag literacy. The meeting will take place on April 8th in Bellefonte - mark your calendars!

Dean's Industry Tours Resume

After a brief hiatus, the college's Dean's Industry Tours resumed in September in the southeast region with the Pa Landscape & Nursery Association, the American Mushroom Institute, and the Pa Winery Association co-hosting the tour. In an effort to stay connected with the college’s industry clientele and alumni, the Dean's Industry Tours were initiated years ago to provide the Dean with an opportunity to make a series of trips around the state visiting industry sites every year. Penn State Ag Council members assist in identifying tour stops and hosting the Dean. As part of the tours, the college holds an evening reception where local alumni, ag industry, and government representatives are invited. These receptions are co-hosted by the college’s Alumni Society and the Penn State Ag Council and allow time for people to informally meet the Dean, get an update on college activities, and provide input or ask questions.

Marcellus Shale Topic of October Program

The October 12 Penn State Ag Council Delegate Meeting was held at Celebration Hall with the program focusing on Marcellus shale activities. Speakers included Extension educators discussing the scope of the issue, economic impacts, and water quality considerations as well as Ross Pifer from the Penn State Ag Law Resource and Reference Center discussing legal issues. Dean Bruce McPheron was welcomed by the council and gave a college update and his vision moving forward. Presentations from the meeting are posted on the Penn State Ag Council Website under activities.

2009 Penn State Ag Council Leadership Awards

The Penn State Ag Council 2009 Leadership Awards were presented at the October delegate meeting. The awards honor outstanding leaders in the agricultural community in Pennsylvania. Excellence in three categories is recognized: Leadership Award, Youth Leadership Award, and Leadership in Action Award. This year's award recipients include:
  • Leadership Award, Robert Steele
  • Youth Leadership Award, Ayla Detwiler
  • Leadership in Action Award, Lancaster Farmland Trust

2009 Research Tour Held

Approximately 100 college stakeholders from industry, government, and alumni attended the tenth annual College of Agricultural Sciences research tour, sponsored by the Penn State Ag Council. The tour took place on September 24th at the University Park campus. The college supports hundreds of research projects each year that address issues of importance to Pennsylvania agriculture and the public.

The research tour allows attendees to witness first hand the depth and breadth of the research done at the college and the practical application and importance of the research to the agribusiness community and Pennsylvania.
It also provides an opportunity for council members to interact with legislators and reinforce constituency support for research projects. Our thanks to ag council members - Pa Farm Bureau, PennAg Industries, Northeast Equipment Dealers Association, and York Ag Products, Inc. - for sponsoring the tour luncheon.

Board of Directors Election

Nominating Committee Chair John Rodgers presented the nominees for the PSAC Board of Directors to the delegates at the October meeting for a vote. Reelected to the board were Amy Bradford, PennAg Industries Agronomic Products Council, and Rich Dexter, International Society of Arboriculture.

College Budget Update

Although the Pennsylvania legislature finally passed, and the Governor signed, the state budget bill on October 9th - 101 days late - Penn State still does not have a budget. The Governor noted they held back the non-preferred (state-related) appropriation bills that fund the four state-related universities (including Penn State), museums, art associations, hospitals and other state related entities until the table games revenue bill is passed, noting the revenues are needed to balance the state budget.

The state Senate has already approved appropriations of $333.8 million for Penn State, but the House still needs to approve the bill. If the Senate numbers hold, Penn State would receive a 6% cut in base funding from the state in FY 2009/10. Funds from the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) would then be used, as required by the legislation, to supplement state funding for higher education, which would leave Penn State with FY 2008/09 initial authorized levels.

For the college, this will likely result in $25,594,000 and $30,384,000 for agriculture research and extension lines respectively. Although this equates to level funding from the FY 2008/09 levels, it leaves the college with a $1.3 million deficit due to increases in operational costs, even with the current freeze on salaries. It also leaves the college facing a permanent decrease in state base funding of 6% into the future.

Although decreases in funding levels are always hard to enact, the college considers this a good budget under the current economic conditions and credits college advocates for communicating support for these lines throughout this difficult budget process. Advocates of college research and extension programs voiced strong support at both the state and federal levels and made a difference. On behalf of the college - thank you for your support !

Goddard Chair Search Underway

The college has published an announcement to fill the Maurice K. Goddard Endowed Chair in Forestry and Environmental Resources Conservation. This position is designed to provide leadership in sustainable natural resource conservation and utilization through programs of public service, education, and scholarship. Please feel free to distribute the announcement to potential candidates.

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar

  • December 9 - PSAC Legislative Committee Meeting, Harrisburg
  • TBA - College Capitol Day, State Capitol, Harrisburg
  • April 7 - PSAC Board Meeting, State College
  • April 8 - PSAC Delegate Meeting, Bellefonte
  • April 24 - Ag Action Network Training, TBA
  • April 27 - Dean's Tour Reception, TBA
  • June 29 - Dean's Tour Reception, TBA