Anticipating emerging challenges facing Pennsylvania and the college, more than a year ago the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences recognized the need for organizational change and began a process designed to develop and implement a new business model for the college and address budget strategies.
The AG Futures Process has entered a new phase, which will address the restructuring of the college's academic units. Please read the Ag Futures Process Update for a complete summary of the initiative to date.
In response to a University-wide evaluation resulting in specific recommendations submitted to the College of Ag Sciences, the dean has charged six teams to develop draft plans for restructuring the college's 12 academic units. Those plans will be available online on February 25, and a process for stakeholder input will be provided. The plans will be considered in the draft plan the Dean will present on March 18. Again, a process will be provided for stakeholder input before the final version is presented by the Dean in early April.
The process to date has been very transparent with extensive input from both internal and external stakeholders. Detailed information on the process and timelines can be found at the AG Futures website. For more information contact Mary Wirth (
The Penn State Ag Council's College Strategic Planning Committee is following the academic unit restructuring process and will be submitting formal comments to the Dean on the final plan.